Another source said Musk believes humanity needs to leave Earth to ensure the survival of our species in the case of catastrophe or disaster. On Tuesday December 10, two days after SpaceX’s starship launch was cancelled a mere 1.3 seconds before lift-off, the giant gleaming steel rocket exploded on landing after reaching an altitude of 12.5 km, performing a flip and returning back to its launch pad. A week earlier, SpaceX’s founder Elon Musk gave the test flight 2 in 3 chances of failure. In a bout of excitement, he tweeted out, “Mars, here we come!!” But even before the failure of its largest prototype spaceship, SpaceX was already busy working on two newer prototypes. For Musk, who has single-handedly revitalised spaceflight, it’s all about moving fast, learning from mistakes, and developing technology and engineering methods that haven’t even been created yet, on the go, on the fly. SpaceX knew many things could go wrong with Starship. After all, the first two Stars...